Get Your Library Card
The Metropolis Public Library is funded by property tax revenue. Any Metropolis city resident is eligible for a library card with a state ID and proof of residence within the city limits.
A library card must be presented each time a user wishes to borrow library materials or use public library equipment. Items accepted for identification include, but are not limited to, a driver’s license or state ID card, passport, a utility bill, or mail received at the applicant’s address.
The permission of a parent/guardian/custodial caregiver is required for any child who applies for a borrower’s card and who has not attained the age of eighteen (18). High school students not possessing one of the above forms of proper identification may be required to have a custodial parent or guardian present at the time of application to verify their name and current city address.
The parent/guardian/custodial caregiver agrees to assume financial responsibility for all materials charged on the minor’s card.

If you live outside the city limits of Metropolis, but own property inside the city limits, you are entitled to receive a library card. You must present your photo identification and the current year’s tax bill for the property. You must renew your card yearly.
Persons living in Massac County outside the Metropolis city limits may obtain a borrower’s card by paying a $35.00 fee. This fee is paid in lieu of the property taxes automatically paid by the city residents.
Non-resident library cards are valid one year from the date of the original application. Before a borrower’s barcode number is re-validated, all registration information contained in the user record must be verified, and updated if necessary. All overdue material must be returned and all fines and/or fees must be paid in full before a borrower’s barcode number is re-validated. A borrower assumes full responsibility for all use made of the card.
The borrower agrees to comply with all library rules and regulations; to pay all fines; to be responsible for any loss or damage to materials; to provide immediate notice of any change of address; and to provide immediate notice if the card is stolen.
A borrower is not permitted to use another person’s library card.