With your Metropolis Public Library card, you can now check out ebooks from the eRead Illinois 3M Cloud Library . No late fees with either service.
eRead Illinois by 3M Cloud Library
Lending Policy: You can borrow up to 5 titles at any time. The maximum checkout period is 21 days. All items can be returned early within the 3M Cloud Library App or via your library’s online catalog. You may place up to 5 titles on hold at any one time. You will receive an e-mail when your hold becomes available. You will have 3 days from the time you receive the e-mail to check out the book. If a hold is not checked out within 3 days, it will be passed on to the next user. To remove a hold, visit the “MyBooks” tab in the 3M app or log into your library account via the online catalog and view your requests. Items cannot currently be renewed through the 3M Cloud Library. However, as long as no one has placed a hold on the book, you may check out the book as many additional times as you would like. Within the 3M Cloud Library app, you may view titles that have not yet been purchased by the Illinois Heartland Library System. Click on the “Add to Wish List” button and these items will automatically be considered for future purchasing!
Please note: When setting up your account select “Illinois Heartland Library System”.
Device Instructions:
Kindle Fire (1st or 2nd generation) – updated 8/11/14
Kindle Fire HD – updated 8/11/14
Transferring 3M Cloud Library e-books to a Personal e-reader (Kobo, e-ink Nook, etc.)